Platinum Capital News And Information

My name is Kelly Jenkins and I'm a Senior Member of Platinum Capital Group, located in Las Vegas Nevada. This release is designed to address the folks who have been directly contacting our Chairman, William Hughes with questions and comments that actually pertain to William Summers.

Platinum Capital Group is a financial services firm that has three (3) common focuses within the private equity industry and as a Member of the firm, I feel these need to be addressed because the company is being contacted on a regular basis with concerns that actually should be directed at a different Platinum Capital entity.

The Platinum Capital Group is a firm dedicted to financial needs in the realm of business and pesonal loans, equity and open ended lines of credit. They do NOT offer any work at homes businesses, scams of any kind, envelope programs or any of the concerns being directed to William Hughes.

There are hundreds of businesses named Platinum Capital yet only two in Nevada that share a common bond and one is owned by William Hughes and is primarily a business that funds and invests in other businesses. The other Platinum Capital is operated by William Summers and not only obtains loans but also operates a work at home position that has NOTHING to do with our company.

If you are trying to contact Platinum Capital about working from home, you should write directly to them as we have no contact information and we cannot get messages to them. They are 100% separate from The Platinum Capital that offers loans.

View the original article here