Cash Flow Trader Chuck Hughes Sells Option Premium to Bank on Stock Market Volatility?

Cash Flow Trader, a new VIP service offered by professional trader Chuck Hughes, arrives at time when heightened market volatility and worries of an impending global financial meltdown trouble the minds of investors and stifle the efforts of traders looking to follow any clearly defined trends. Those of us clobbered by the markets in recent years struggle to know exactly where to find safe haven for the tiny remnants of our investment and retirement accounts.  And for those of us depending on those nest egg fragments to provide any sort of retirement income, it feels like a precarious race against the clock to rebuild in time simply to make ends meet.

So we attempt to keep the faith and hope that somehow, if we do what we’ve been told, things will simply work themselves out.  But are we banking on a pipe dream? According to Chuck Hughes, "It doesn't take triple-digit returns to build your wealth quickly, but it does take a lot better results than you can get passively investing in a mutual or index fund.” Does Hughes know what he’s talking about?  He certainly has had an uncanny ability to thrive and take huge financial gains – time and time again – from the very market conditions that wiped out traders and gouged investors as a whole.

How do you make money during a stock market crash?  How do you profit from high market volatility?  Yes, people are doing it, and they do it all the time.  But how?  Is there some sort of secret that only Wall Street fat cats with insider knowledge know? Cash Flow Trader promises to pull back the curtain and let you inside to view the methods, strategies and recommendations that work. “I want you to see with your own eyes just how much money you can make when you trade the right way, with a seasoned pro showing you precisely what to do each step of the way,” claims Chuck Hughes.  Should we listen to and believe Hughes?  A look at his audited track record for the past 12 years tells us we should at least take a look at what he has to offer.

Stock Market Crash – Another Feeding Feast for Chuck Hughes?

Will the stock market crash again this year?  Pick any expert analyst out of a hat blindfolded, and he will most certainly answer that question in the affirmative. Tough news for investors, but news of very little consequence for Chuck Hughes based on his stellar track record of thriving during market routs that gutted the nest eggs of the masses.

In deed, it’s documented that Hughes has averaged a $160,000-per-month take during the worst stock market decline in decades. For example, how many of us are still feeling the pain of the 2008 market collapse?  Hughes was able to pull in almost half a million dollars during that episode. And what about the 2000-2002 massive tech stock selloff?  Hughes capitalized on that one by following the money on the short side all the way down to a nice $1,244,575 profit for himself.

That, of course, is the advantage of trading vs. investing – coupled with the specialized knowledge that lets you follow the big money and suck the profit out of any market condition.

Cash Flow Trader (we peak inside the service)

Heavy on the minds of traders and investors seriously considering taking the plunge with Hughes looms one important question: will following the recommendations make us any money?  After all, the entry fee into this exclusive club is not chump change for many of us.  

Hughes gives access to all 5 wealth-building systems he claims average him $144,000 gains every single month.  These systems include all 3 of his options strategies in addition to a stock picking and a stock dividend strategy.

Hughes promises these systems will produce serious profits for serious investors and traders.  How serious do you have to be?  Well, you’d probably better have at lease $5 grand in risk capital to get started properly or you might just end up frustrated.

Nevertheless, following these systems and taking the trades on paper in a demo account will teach the serious student and prepare him to pounce once he finishes accumulating the proper trading capital to really dig in and get started in the real world – practice makes perfect.

Fat Cats vs. Investors – Chuck Hughes vs. Gordon Gekko?

Hughes talks big about offering Cash Flow Trader to the public almost as if he’s doing it out of the kindness of his generous heart.  He claims the millions he’s made have given him everything he’s ever wanted and he does not need our money – he gets his satisfaction by helping others become big-time winning traders.

So if that’s the case, shouldn’t he just give away the systems and recommendations for free?  Okay, business is business, and as the famous Wall Street character Gordon Gekko put it, “Greed is good”.

So is Chuck Hughes really a type of Gekko?  Whatever conclusion you draw, the fact remains that you can try out his Cash Flow Trader without any risk for 3 months.  You either discover for yourself that he’s the real deal and you make a ton of cash, or you find out that he’s “full of it” and you get all your money back that you paid to check things out.

Whatever the case, you won’t learn anything from the sidelines.  To quote Gekko once more, “If you’re not inside, you’re outside.”

Insider Secrets and Big Cash Promises

To those who decide to join Chuck Hughes on the “inside” and take action putting his systems to work, he promises, “We do everything humanly possible to help you start making serious profits quickly.” For free video training and full access to the VIP service, visit

Cash Flow Trader Chuck Hughes, the 7 time competition winning Options and Stocks trading master, has personal profits of 5.7M in the last 3 years. Get full details at

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